Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why this?

This is about making dead and lifeless words to comment about life. What they say may not be correct or true — in fact, it’s likely to be false. But then that’s not important here. The important thing is to witness them air their views simply and with great sincerity and enjoy (quietly) seeing through their facade.

How did it begin?

Have you seen words dancing? Plain words dancing? Words suddenly breaking their neat and logical layout and dancing. He thought it was strange.
“What is this?”
He wanted to touch them as they danced on paper — not an organized dance but a wild uncouth sort of dance. Amazed, he just watched.
“Am I going crazy?”
He thought he should prod them with the tip of his pen, or sweep them aside like ants and start afresh. But these were the kind of ants that despite their size inspire fear. He wanted to throw everything away and stamp on them with his heavy-soled shoes.
“But wait. But wait. What harm are they causing? They are not biting me.”
He looked at them and almost smiled the smile of a father. And that was it. This was how he made peace with the words that danced, and continued to dance for the rest of his life. Yes, the first day was a little difficult, as it seemed an illusion, a magic. But from the second day he felt normal. And from the third day he liked to see them dance, and perhaps despite his ungainly size desired to dance with them.
The story begins here.
